Milestone Announced at the Inaugural Livelong Summit in West Palm Beach

West Palm Beach, FL, March 15, 2024—The Healthspan Action Coalition today announced a major milestone—the joining of 150 organizations in its global mission to extend healthy longevity to all people regardless of economic status or geographical location. HSAC, with the help of organizations that span the fields of scientific research, healthcare, biotechnology, media and patient advocacy, have forged a new societal movement to extend the healthspan.

“The underlying root cause of most diseases is the aging process itself,” said Bernard Siegel, HSAC’s co-founder and Executive Director. “We believe that a societal coalition, with patient advocates at the forefront, will be the key driving force to prioritize biomedical research funding, accelerate the adoption of technological advancements and initiate innovative policy initiatives that will address aging as a treatable medical condition and thus alleviate vast human suffering.”

Organizations that have joined the HSAC mission include, but are not limited to:

  • Patient advocacy groups
  • Biomedical research institutions
  • Biomanufacturing facilities
  • Scientific and medical societies
  • Public policy and bioethics organizations
  • Medical philanthropic organizations
  • Investment companies
  • Peer-reviewed journals
  • Longevity-focused organizations
  • Innovation zones and biotechnology parks

“We need a moonshot for healthy longevity,” said Siegel. “With numerous countries around the world seeing strained healthcare systems and social safety nets due to a perfect storm of aging populations and falling birth rates, the need to extend the healthspan becomes more urgent every day. HSAC has set forth a global policy agenda with the overarching goal that healthspan be declared a fundamental human right.”

For more information about Healthspan Action Coalition and its 150 member organizations, visit


Media Contacts:
Joseph Dawson
Director of Communications

About Healthspan Action Coalition: HSAC is a nonprofit organization working on multiple levels to extend the global human healthspan. It unites a broad spectrum of stakeholders in the search for, development of, and delivery of new medical treatments aimed at extending not just the lifespan, but the period of life spent in good health and free of disease or disability. While recognizing that virtually all human disorders entail an acceleration of the aging process, the organization seeks to harness the latest developments in longevity research as a new avenue of disease treatment and prevention. Its mission is to create a worldwide, cross-sector, societal movement aimed at bringing together the disparate forces that have the ability to ensure that every person on the planet has the resources to live not only longer, but to remain healthy, vital and independent until the very end of life. It is led by a team of seasoned, experienced individuals and scientific pioneers with proven track records of effecting major change in the aging, science and healthcare fields.