by Dwight Raum – Forbes

Whenever I hear conversations about “aging in place,” my interest is piqued. Like many of us, that’s because I care for an aging parent, and I’m on the lookout for new tools and technology to help. As a card-carrying member of the sandwich generation, I care for both young adults and aging parents. And although there are tools to keep an eye on your teenager, there are few to help with aging parents.

The “Silver Tsunami” Is Cresting

Right now, more than 55 million seniors reside in the U.S. Add to that total the more than 10,000 Baby Boomers who are turning 65 every day. Helping these aging Americans are 53 million unpaid caregivers—usually family members or close friends. These devoted helpers spend an average of 32 hours per week on top of full-time jobs and busy family lives caring for their loved ones.

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