The global divide between longer life and good health

The global divide between longer life and good health

By Susan Buckles – Mayo Clinic – Rochester, Minn. — People around the globe are living longer — but not necessarily healthier — lives, according to Mayo Clinic research. A study of 183 World Health Organization (WHO) member countries found those additional...
‘We do not know what the future is made of’

‘We do not know what the future is made of’

By Eleanor Garth – Longevity.Technology – Dr Eric Verdin of The Buck Institute for Research on Aging on finding the longevity sweet spot between realism and optimism. The longevity field was stirred in October 2024 by a provocative paper published in...
A bright future for aging biology research

A bright future for aging biology research

By National Institute on Aging – NIA’s investments in essential basic science to explore the molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie aging deepen our understanding of how we can all lead longer, healthier lives. As the acting director of NIA’s Division...