by admin | Mar 29, 2023 | news articles
Nicole Mlynaryk – University of California Sab Diego News UC San Diego scientists find stem cells’ unique way of discarding misfolded proteins could be the key to maintaining long-term health and preventing disease In humanity’s ongoing quest for the elixir of...
by admin | Mar 27, 2023 | news articles
By University of Liverpool Researchers have found that the drug rilmenidine can extend lifespan and slow ageing. Published in Aging Cell, the findings show that animals treated with rilmenidine, currently used to treat hypertension, at young and older ages increases...
by admin | Mar 24, 2023 | news articles
In some cases, it is now possible to genetically engineer the immune system to banish cancers like T-cell leukaemia that were previously unresponsive to treatments By Michael Le Page – New Scientist ONE of the most amazing things about the immune system is how...
by admin | Mar 23, 2023 | news articles
Image Caption: WFIRM research lab technicians Denethia Green and Kristina Stumpf (foreground) test out LabSat® Research, an ultra-rapid automated staining that reduces turnaround times, provided to the RegeneratOR Test Bed by PHC. By The Wake Forest Institute for...
by admin | Mar 22, 2023 | news articles
by Nergis Firtina – Interesting Engineering Three-dimensional bioprinting uses bio-inks mixed with living cells to print natural tissue-like structures. Currently, this technology can be applied to various research fields, including tissue engineering and drug...