The vast #longevity & #healthspan investment ecosystems- $5.2 billion in 2022! New report by #longevitytechnology delivers the goods. Sector attracts big private industrial investment & philanthropic/government support. Tied to regenerative medicine, #AI & other advanced technologies. Entire field depicted in single pie chart. Kudos to Phil Newman and team for making report available at no cost! Explains #regeneration #cellularreprograming #ipscs #discoveryplatforms #neurotech #drugs #repurposeddrugs #imflamaging #rejuvenation #microbiome #Longevitygenetics #diagnostics #functionalfoods #supplements #clinics #sentherapeutics #reproductivelongevity #advancedaesthetics #companionlongevity #youngblood #education #neuropharma #aginginplace #contractresearchservices & more. The intersection of #stemcells & #regenerativemedicine & #aging hot topic at upcoming World Stem Cell Summit & Regenerative Medicine Essentials Course LIVE June 5-9 in Winston-Salem, NC.

-Bernard Siegel

By Eleanor Garth – Longevity.Technology

Today we publish our 2022 Annual Longevity Investment Report – a full-year report on the state of investment in the longevity sector. In our report we have analysed the companies and investors behind technologies designed to not only our lifespan but our healthspan – compressing morbidity to extend the number of years we live in good health.

Longevity.Technology: In the longevity space we spend much of our time looking forward, whether that’s the end point of a clinical trial or a therapy hitting the clinic, or broader questions about how long we have left and how that can be extended while keeping us in good health. But in order to look forward successfully, we need to know where are – in order to measure growth and success, we need to benchmark.

We can feel the impetus of the sector, but if we quantify and measure longevity investment, we can raise awareness and properly demonstrate what an exciting sector it is and why more people should invest – together, we can move the sector onwards. We’re looking back to move forward; join us on our journey.

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