By Camillo Ricordi

Finally the paperback English edition of The Healthspan Code is available on … just in time for some nice Holiday presents if you want to help someone you love, or care about, to prevent and defeat the Pandemics of the 21st Century, to prolong Healthy Lifespan.

Why Camillo Ricordi, a pioneer in cure-focused research and director of a leading Diabetes Research Institute, is now working also to improve healthy lifespan (Healthspan) and prevent the accelerated aging associated with diabetes and other pandemics of our century? Because this is a challenge that affects us all, not just patients with diabetes. In the last three years, the longevity has decreased, and for the first time the lifespan of children born now could be inferior to that of their parents’ generation. Unhealthy (sick) longevity could in fact be considered the most serious pandemic of the 21st century. However, we can defeat this trend. It is possible to prevent or reduce the phase of physical and mental decline associated to the last decades of life, and prolong Healthspan improving our biological age.

We thought that modern medicine would continue to help us extend and improve the lifespan of humankind. This belief has recently begun to waver. In the United States, over 90% of the population over the age of 65 years old has at least one degenerative disease, and over 75% of subjects has two co-morbidities. The increase in chronic degenerative diseases linked to unhealthy aging, and it’s not just a problem of Americans, but affects every continent. The 21st century is facing at least two other pandemics besides Covid-19: unhealthy aging and autoimmune diseases affecting 20% of the population with 100 disease conditions.

I’ll explain what we can do to reverse this trend …

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