News and Press Releases
Clash of the Titans: A high stakes debate on how to defeat aging
by Eleanor Garth - Longevity.Technology - Longevity is a fast-moving field with new research and theories being generated all the time; one of the polarizing questions is whether aging can actually be reversed, and the answer matters, not just so we can satisfy our...
Signs of Alzheimer’s were everywhere. Then his brain improved
By Sandee LaMotte - CNN - Preventive neurologist Dr Richard Isaacson stared at the numbers on the fax in astonishment. Blood biomarkers of telltale signs of early Alzheimer’s disease in the brain of his patient, 55-year-old entrepreneur Simon Nicholls, had all but...
5 Fixes for Aging in America
Interviews by Melissa Hartman - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health - Aging in America - Shifts in attitudes and policies can pave the way to thriving in later life. Read More - Click Here
Navigating longevity with industry leaders at MIT AgeLab PLAN Forum
By Adam Felts - MIT News - A symposium for financial professionals imagines a new industry around longevity planning. How can people better imagine and plan for their future selves? A two-day event hosted at MIT featured two chief executives at the forefront of an...
Aging’s Science Explored: Is Immortality Possible?
By - Researchers explore the science behind aging and the ongoing quest for human longevity. They examine the vast variations in lifespans across species and attributes aging primarily to accumulated chemical damage within cells. The findings...
Stem cell study reveals distinct population of ‘troublemaker’ platelet cells that appear with aging and lead to blood clotting, disease
By Emily Cerf - UC Santa Cruz - Targeting this population of platelets could help better treat blood clotting-related diseases As people age, they become more prone to blood clotting diseases, when blood cells called platelets clump together when they don’t need to...
Unlocking Longevity: A Convergence Of Exponential Technologies And Circular Economy Principles
by Dr Guenther Dobrauz-Saldapenna - Forbes - The quest for longevity transcends cultural and historical boundaries, reflecting humanity’s enduring fascination with life extension and vitality. As a venture capitalist, what drives me is the excitement of blending...
Healthy vegetarian diets may boost longevity, slash heart disease death risk
By Robby Berman - Medical news Today - There are ethical and environmental reasons to switch to a more plant-centric diet, as well as a growing body of research suggesting such diets are better for our health. However, a full understanding of the long-term benefits of...
Regenerative Medicine Is Changing the Way We Age
By Amy Marturana Winderl - HeathCentral - A look at the next-gen therapies that hope to turn the field of medicine—and treating age-related chronic conditions—upside down. Taking a person’s own cells out of their body and then putting them back in to heal damaged...
Toward Ageless Muscles: The Stem Cell Solution
by William A. Haseltine - Forbes - Thirty marks the spot. Starting at this age, we begin to lose approximately three to eight percent of muscle mass per decade. With it, we also lose strength and mobility. Left unaddressed, this loss of muscle —called ‘sarcopenia’ in...
Hacking the immune system could slow ageing — here’s how
By Alison Abbott - Nature - Our immune system falters over time, which could explain the negative effects of ageing. Stem-cell researcher Carolina Florian didn’t trust what she was seeing. Her elderly laboratory mice were starting to look younger. They were more...
MoneyWatch Equinox’s new fitness program aims to help you live longer — for $40,000
By Megan Cerullo - CBS News - Luxury fitness chain Equinox is putting a price on the ultimate luxury: longer life. The company on Monday introduced a membership that, for a hefty $36,000 a year, includes more than 100 tests aimed at enhancing health and extending...