News and Press Releases

New Insights Into The Anti-Aging Properties Of Klotho

New Insights Into The Anti-Aging Properties Of Klotho

William A. Haseltine - Forbes The Klotho gene has gained increasing attention for its anti-aging properties. In the most recent installment of this series, we explored the promising cognitive benefits of administering Klotho to both mice and monkeys, the results from...

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How Old Can Humans Get?

How Old Can Humans Get?

By Bill Gifford - Scientific American An expert on aging thinks humans could live to be 1,000 years old—with a few tweaks to our genetic “software” How long can human beings live? Although life expectancy has increased significantly over the past century, thanks...

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Metformin Protects Against Muscle Atrophy in Clinical Trial

Metformin Protects Against Muscle Atrophy in Clinical Trial

Cellular senescence was a key factor. by Josh Conway - Researchers publishing in Aging Cell have documented a human clinical trial showing that metformin reduces atrophy caused by long periods of bed rest. A common problem and a well-known diabetes drug...

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Blood of Young Mice Extends Life in the Old

Blood of Young Mice Extends Life in the Old

By Carl Zimmer - The New York Times Infusions of youthful blood led older mice to live 6 to 9 percent longer, a new study found. A team of scientists has extended the lives of old mice by connecting their blood vessels to young mice. The infusions of youthful blood...

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