News and Press Releases

How Exercise Preserves Physical Fitness During Aging

How Exercise Preserves Physical Fitness During Aging

by Chloe Meck, Source: Joslin Diabetes Center - In a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers at Joslin Diabetes Center investigated the role of one cellular mechanism in improving physical fitness by...

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What Are The Different Types Of Aging?

What Are The Different Types Of Aging?

By Amanda Vining - Health Digest Each year on your birthday, you become a year older and celebrate the achievement of a new age. The process of aging is perhaps the most natural and universal experience that everyone across the globe goes through. Whether you age from...

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Predictions for the longevity industry in 2023

Predictions for the longevity industry in 2023

by Abby Miller Levy - TechCrunch Last year was when we all got the wake-up call about longevity. From major reports published on the impact of longevity by the National Academy of Medicine and McKinsey to every leading newspaper, public discourse highlighted how our...

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Live longer with these dishes from ‘blue zones’ in America

Live longer with these dishes from ‘blue zones’ in America

By Sandee LaMotte, CNN In a few, unique communities around the globe, people live long and heathy lives, up to and past 100. Dubbed “blue zones,” residents of these areas share a common environment and lifestyle that scientists believe contribute to their longevity....

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Study links vitamin D deficit to accelerated brain aging

Study links vitamin D deficit to accelerated brain aging

by Emily Manis - If you were told to take your vitamins during childhood, you were given good advice, not only for your body, but for your brain. A study published in Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging finds that low vitamin D levels are associated with...

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What is Longevity Diet? Will it make you live longer?

What is Longevity Diet? Will it make you live longer?

By the WEEK New Delhi (India), January 04: People have started to understand that health is eventually the most treasured thing that a man can possess. No matter how much wealth one has earned or how bigger one’s social circle is- it all comes down to how healthy one...

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Severe COVID-19 linked with brain aging

Severe COVID-19 linked with brain aging

By The Harvard Gazette Researchers see association between the cognitive decline observed in patients with severe COVID and molecular signatures of brain aging In a series of experiments, scientists at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical found that...

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Interviews of 2022: accelerating longevity

Interviews of 2022: accelerating longevity

Five of our favourite interviews demonstrating exciting progress along the longevity road. By Eleanor Garth - Longevity.Technology Longevity progress is often iterative – small steps along a long road that seems to have a far-distance destination. Having appreciation...

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Why We Can’t Tell the Truth About Aging

Why We Can’t Tell the Truth About Aging

A long life is a gift. But will we really be grateful for it? By Arthur Krystal - The New Yorker In days of old, when most people didn’t live to be old, there were very few notable works about old age, and those were penned by writers who were themselves not very old....

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