News and Press Releases
Aubrey de Grey on longevity at scale
New Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation aims for scientific and rhetorical value – and to run the debug cycle for longevity research Author: Eleanor Gart - Logevisty Technology The Longevity Investors Conference is quickly turning into one of the highlights in the...
How scientists want to make you young again
Research labs are pursuing technology to “reprogram” aging bodies back to youth. By Antonio Regalado - MIT Technology Review A little over 15 years ago, scientists at Kyoto University in Japan made a remarkable discovery. When they added just four proteins to a skin...
Being lonely and unhappy accelerates aging more than smoking, study finds
by Deep Longevity - MedicalXpress Molecular damage accumulates and contributes to the development of aging-related frailty and serious diseases. In some people these molecular processes are more intense than in others, a condition commonly referred to as accelerated...
The impact of sleep fragmentation on the clonal diversity of immune cells and the genetic aging of the hematopoietic system
Sleep has been long celebrated as the ultimate pick-me-up after a period of excessive labor, stress, illness, or other cause of bodily strain. It affects immunity and inflammatory pathways, thus protecting against cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative conditions...
Are Positive Thinkers Healthier as We Age?
By Holly Lebowitz Rossi - Guideposts New research connects how we feel about aging with health risks in later years. No matter how much we might tell ourselves about being “young at heart,” age happens. Some of us might consider advanced age to be a gift, something...
Novel technique creates intricate, life-like blood vessels for heart disease research
by Queensland University of Technology - MedicalXpress Artificial 3D blood vessels that have the strength, structure and complex cellular make-up of real blood vessels have been developed by Singapore and QUT scientists for research into many diseases. Associate...
Partnership with the National Council on Aging brings UB’s program on the dangers of overmedication to a national audience
UB’s Team Alice gives students, providers and the public the tools they need in order to prevent potentially lethal medical errors in older adults By Ellen Goldbaum - University of Buffalo News BUFFALO, N.Y. – The nation’s oldest charitable organization dedicated to...
Silent suffering: the plague of elder abuse
By Kathleen Wilber & Kelly Marnfeldt - Nature Agiing Elder abuse has been recognized as a serious problem for decades. Yet rigorous studies are rare. Burnes and colleagues move the field forward by identifying how pervasive the problem is, the factors that...
Lasting brain impacts from COVID-19 are equivalent to decades of aging
By Molly Smith - Loma Linda University Health Danilo Vitorovic, MD, a neurologist at Loma Linda University Health, supports claims that severe COVID-19 may age the brain by decades. Brain fog, anxiety, and sleep disturbances are some long-haul COVID-19 symptoms, but...
How we’ll transplant tiny organ-like blobs of cells into people
Miniature organoids are being implanted into animals. Humans are next. By Jessica Hamzelou - MIT Technology Review To the naked eye, organoids aren’t much to look at. They’re basically tiny blobs. Closer inspection reveals their true complexity: these lab-grown balls...
UCI Alzheimer’s project wins $47 million grant from National Institute on Aging
Image caption: The UCI research team is directed by (seated, from left) Frank LaFerla, Andrea Tenner and Kim Green. Other investigators include (standing, from left) Marcelo Wood, Arthur Lander, Grant MacGregor, Ian Smith, Vivek Swarup, Craig Stark, Andre Obenaus and...
Longevity breakthrough as scientists discover how to reverse aging in skeletal muscle
By Stephen Vicinanza - Interesting Engineering Findings show it’s possible to reverse the aging process by overexpressing the NANOG protein University of Buffalo scientists have undertaken a study that shows a process to reverse aging in muscle cells. Aging in muscle...