Our Policy Work

Promoting supportive policy and funding for scientific research, innovations and patient engagement

HSAC Response to US House Committee Proposal On NIH Reform

In June 2024, the U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee, chaired by Cathy McMorris Rodgers, released the proposal, “Reforming the National Institutes of Health: Framework for Discussion.” The framework invited all stakeholders to submit comments and suggestions by August 16, and our organization  Healthspan Action Coalition (HSAC) responded with a 25-page letter, including references and errata in its final form.

the overarching goal of extending the healthspan

In response to the call for a holistic life stage perspective, we call for the inclusion in all NIH grant applications specific questions about how a proposed line of research supports the overarching goal of extending the healthspan. Consideration of this issue should be included in the grant-review process, and this is confluent with the Framework’s stated desire for a more whole-life approach to disease research.

The Healthspan Action Coalition invites you to join with other members of the patient, clinical, research, and industry communities to express your support today.

Demonstrate your leadership and show your support.

Why Join the Healthspan Action Coalition

In the absence of a supportive legal and regulatory environment, the promises of cell therapies and regenerative medicine will be delayed, thereby prolonging the anguished wait of those in need of lifesaving treatments and cures.

The Healthspan Action Coalition and the Regenerative Medicine Foundation have a track record fostering a supportive societal framework for advancing scientific research and accelerating regenerative medicine.

Our Previous Work (highlights)

In 2004-2005 Regenerative Medicine Foundation (at the time called Genetics Policy Institute) built and led a global coalition that defeated a proposed United Nations treaty that would have banned stem cell research worldwide. The grassroots coalition attracted many notable patient advocates, including Christopher Reeve.

In 2010-2012 our organization submitted amicus curiae (“friend of the court”) briefs in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and the Court of Appeals, supporting federal funding for embryonic stem cell research in Sherley v. Sebelius, a case challenging President Obama’s Executive Order and National Institutes of Health (NIH) guidelines. (Read pdf: GPI brief, GPI and CAMR brief)

Today we continue this essential work in partnership with Bipartisan Policy Center and other respected, nonpartisan organizations.

If you are interested in more details, or would like to discuss ways to foster a supportive legal and regulatory environment for Healthspan Action and regenerative medicine, please contact us.

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Join the Healthspan Action Coalition

The coalition unites all stakeholders who have an interest in lessening the burden of diseases and conditions that affect not only the aged, but all patients worldwide who experience an enormous range of health conditions, all of which impact the healthspan..