by admin | Nov 23, 2023 | news articles
by Anna Drangowska-Way – Quality and quantity of food can impact many aspects of health and longevity. The choice of what someone eats obviously has a profound impact on that person’s health, but the amount is also important. Caloric restriction, the...
by admin | Nov 22, 2023 | news articles
BY National Institute on Aging Higher occupational work complexity is associated with better cognition later in life, according to two recent NIA-funded studies published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia. Woman listens as man describes material on a laptop Previous...
by admin | Nov 21, 2023 | news articles
By NBC News Now NBC News’ Dr. Kavita Patel explains the “essential eight” behaviors that heart experts say will help you feel and look younger. Watch the video on NBC News Now
by admin | Nov 18, 2023 | news articles
by Miriam Fauzia – Inverse Scientists are focusing on the microscopic powerhouses energizing our cells. Humans are a tad bit obsessed with our lifespans. In an effort to cheat death (or at least keep it at bay for a while), we search far and wide for all sorts...
by admin | Nov 15, 2023 | news articles
By Carrie Cochran and Catie Beck – Scripps News and ProPublica Forrest VanPatten was diagnosed with an aggressive form of lymphoma, but his insurance company denied coverage for a clinically proven treatment. in July 2019. That same month, he turned 50 years...
by admin | Nov 15, 2023 | news articles
By Shelly Fan – Singularity Hub Senescent cells are biochemical waste factories. A new study suggests that a way to wipe them out is a medicine already approved for eye problems. Dubbed “zombie cells,” senescent cells slowly accumulate with age or with cancer...