Obituary: Professor Sir Ian Wilmut

Obituary: Professor Sir Ian Wilmut

by University of Edinburgh A world-renowned embryologist and specialist in regenerative medicine, Sir Ian led the team that cloned Dolly the Sheep in 1996 – the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell. Some 27 years on, the breakthrough continues to fuel many of...
Alleviate Anxiety By Exercising, Study Suggests

Alleviate Anxiety By Exercising, Study Suggests

By Edward Cooper  – Men’s Health The more intensely participants exercised, the more their anxiety symptoms improved It’s no secret that there’s a direct relationship between your mental wellbeing and your levels of physical activity. A new...
Biomarkers of Aging for Facilitating Future Research

Biomarkers of Aging for Facilitating Future Research

by Arkadi Mazin – The Biomarkers of Aging Consortium, an initiative uniting about 200 geroscientists around the goal to inform and guide the use of biomarkers of aging, has put out its first paper. Since studies with lifespan as their endpoint can...